World Water Day is 22 March
Are you aware that 22 March is World Water Day? There’s a good chance you’re not. Most of us won’t recognize it, or celebrate it. When is the last time someone wished you a Happy World Water Day?
It got me thinking, though…
In real estate, one of the things we see come up during home inspections are issues with water.
It could be evidence of a leak on a ceiling, a gurgling sink, or a leaky faucet. Sometimes it’s a trickling sound behind the wall which is pretty scary. Water water everywhere can be a bad thing.
Water is often a problem people deal with when buying or selling a house. These issues frustrate buyers and sellers to no end.
Water related problems certainly are frustrating, and sometimes costly to deal with. But in the grand scheme of things, they are “first world problems”.
Many homeowners simply ignore water related issues around the home because almost every plumbing issue is likely to cost at least a few hundred dollars. And many people just don’t have a few hundred dollars extra laying around to throw at what seems like a nuisance.
So these problems get put off. There’s a term for this in real estate…“deferred maintenance”. Lots of people put off dealing with water issues until they are selling their home.
If you have water related issues around your home, you should not ignore them. Get them addressed as soon as you discover them…or at least as quickly as you can. Don’t wait until you’re selling your home.
Those few-hundred-dollar-problems can become much bigger problems and cost you much more down the road once you’re selling your home. A buyer may ask for a bigger credit than they’re worth. Or you may pay more just because it’s now an emergency situation.
As much as you may not want to deal with these issues, look at the bright side…
Dealing with them is minor in comparison to people who have no running water, or plumbing at all. Sometimes it helps to have perspective. And gaining perspective is as good a way to recognize World Water Day.
I’d be glad to recommend a plumber or handy-man if you have any issues around your home you want to get fixed. Just give me a call at (904) 994-0493 , or e-mail lucien@nativesunrealty.com and I’ll put you in touch with trusted local tradespeople who can fix your problems.
If you are planning to sell your home soon you should download my Ultimate Home Sellers Guide written to save you time, effort, money, and heartache. It’s FREE and there is no obligation for anything.
Happy World Water Day![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
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